Sunday School
Join us for Sunday School
Sunday mornings 9:45 to 10:45
Sunday School at Christian Fellowship Chapel offers a variety of options for learning Biblical Truths. We offer classrooms for couples or individual classes for male or female. We have classes geared specifically for youth, young adults and senior adults.
Jeff Ward
Director, Sunday School
Sunday school is the arm that reaches people of all ages for Christ.
Sunday School Class for all Ages
Pre-K—1st Grade
2nd Grade—3rd Grade
4th Grade—5th Grade
6th Grade—8th Grade
9th Grade—12th Grade
Young Adults (19-30)
Godly Men (Men only)
Couples Class (single or couple)
Women of Grace (women only)
9:45 - 10:45
Sunday School for Children
Pre-K—1st Grade
2nd Grade—3rd Grade
4th Grade—5th Grade
6th Grade—8th Grade
9th Grade—12th Grade
Proverbs 22:6 – Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. ...
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What the world needs is a lot more Godly Men. The goal of this class is to reshape the thinking, speaking, and actions of men through the Word of God.
Romans 12:2 tells us to “Be not conformed to this world but, be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.“
We are striving to be conformed to the image of God’s Son, Jesus Christ, so that we may be light & salt upon the earth as ambassadors for Christ. Our desire is to become examples of the believers in word, conversation, charity, spirit, faith, purity, & deed, so that we can gather souls into the Kingdom of God. This class is open to men of all ages.
Our goal is to grow closer to Him through faithful obedience to His word. We want women to make a connection, develop meaningful relationships, find acceptance, and lift one another up in the name of Jesus. Our focus throughout the year is meet women right where they live and to share challenges and celebrate successes. Won’t you join us in this walk to become sisters in Christ?
The youth ministry exists to enable youth to hear the good news about Jesus Christ in an environment that fosters Christian Fellowship and spiritual growth. We will disciple youth in learning to apply God’s word to their life and discover their true walk with Christ.
As a couple, are you looking to grow in a relationship with Christ? Do you desire to experience a threefold cord relationship where God is the center of your life with you & your spouse, or fiancé. Well look no further. Our couples’ class, which is taught by our pastor, is exactly where you need to be.
By the study of the Word of God, Men & Women will learn their responsibilities to God, their spouses, children, & church.
You will be challenged to grow in your relationship with Christ by learning how to lean on, listen to, and follow the Lord.